Segnalazione di don Anthony Cekada
TONIGHT 7:00 PM EST : Thursday Jan 9, 2014
Restoration Radio: Click here
Kicking off Season III of Restoration Radio’s Clerical Conversations on the Crisis, we are restructuring the show back to its original intent – to discuss modern issues facing Catholics across a broad spectrum of topics.
On this month’s episode, we will break the show into three parts:
(A) Right vs. Left Politics: we will discuss the philosophy behind this, and why it simply is a distraction from real issues. (B) Abortion: what is the appropriate social action for traditional Catholics regarding abortion? (C) Current Events in a Media Age: The pull, the buzz & the lies.
Join us as H.E., Bishop Daniel Dolan, pastor of St. Gertrude the Great Catholic Church in Westchester, Ohio, and Father Anthony Cekada discuss these topics with host Justin Soeder. Questions can be emailed: clerical at Twitter questions: @TrueRestoration
CCC is a Production of the Restoration Radio Network. All Rights are Reserved.
And in case you missed these two earlier shows, you can download them here: