Bergoglio’s Got Nothing to Lose

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Segnalazione di don Anthony Cekada


BERGOGLIO LEGGEWhy the Sedevacantist Argument Must Change by Rev. Anthony Cekada

 Francis’s outrageous statements and actions have provoked negative reactions from many quarters.

An official of the papal curia  said recently of Bergoglio’s plan to give sacraments to the invalidly married: “If that happens, we’ve crossed the line into heresy.”


At the same time, an increasing number of  traditional Catholics are starting to think Bergoglio already has, and are seriously considering sedevacantism.

The latter phenomenon, in turn, has caused what Bp. Richard Williamson calls “Sedevacantist Anxiety”  among his own followers, and those of SSPX, The Remnant and Catholic Family News, leading to a spate of anti-sedevacantist articles from these groups.

In his latest article, Father Cekada explains why, in the new Age of Bergoglio, the sedevacantist argument must change.

Read it here.

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