Segnalazione di don Anthony Cekada
“Not Liberal, But Radical!”
The Direction of the Bergoglio Revolution
Bp. Donald Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada
7:00 PM EDT Restoration Radio
Listen at this link (949) 272-9417 call in to speak with host
On tap for this episode:
- Statements of the Bergoglian revolutionary frontman Walter Kasper that Francis is not a liberal, but a radica.
- The Synod on “hot-button” topics such as the understanding of marriage: “second marriages,” contraception, accepting the divorced and re-married, their reception of the sacraments, and reinterpreting the understanding of adultery.
- The Jerusalem Visit
- Priestly celibacy and paving the way for married clergy.
- Bergoglio’s visit with Patriach Bartholomew, and a “new situation for the Petrine Ministry”
- More Francis-isms: “the dictatorship of narrow thoughts,” “majestically dressed clergy,” and “rigid Catholics.”
- Updates on more strictures for Franciscans of the Immaculate.
- Francis, baptism & Martians.
- Francis’ Marxist redistribution of wealth.
- Maradiaga’s outline on Francis’ new way of governing.
- And much more!