A Boston frati francescani conciliari partecipano al gay pride

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From Catholic Action League, via Mass Resistance:

boston_franciscans_gayThe Franciscan Friars of Boston’s Saint Anthony’s Shrine—members of the same religious family as our Capuchin Cardinal Sean O’Malley—manned a so-called information booth at the city’s homosexual Pride Festival on City Hall Plaza on Saturday, June 14th. The booth featured banners, buttons and t-shirts emblazoned with the words: “Who am I to judge?” There was nothing evident which suggested traditional Catholic teaching about the mortally sinful, soul endangering character of homosexual relations, which The Catechism of the Catholic Church, promulgated by Pope Saint John Paul II in 1984, described as “grave depravity.”

When contacted by concerned Catholics, Franciscans assured callers that they had “the full support of the archdiocese.” The Archdiocese of Boston however, issued no public statement on this scandal. The closest thing to an official response was an e-mail sent by the Archdiocesan Cabinet Secretary for Parish Life and Leadership, the Very Rev. Kevin M. Sepe, who told one outraged Catholic:

St. Anthony Shrine, although within the Archdiocese of Boston, is a parish of the Franciscan Order and so I encourage you to contact them directly with your questions and concerns. The Archdiocese has no knowledge of the intent of this initiative and is not associated with it. Thank you for your correspondence.

Catholic Action League Executive Director C. J. Doyle made the following comment: “Religious orders operate churches in the archdiocese with the permission of the archbishop. A telephone call from the cardinal could have put a halt to this scandal in five minutes.”

“The archdiocese was silent about the aggression of homosexual militants against the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade. It was silent about the anti-Catholic hate group, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, leading the homosexual Pride Parade. It is now dodging responsibility for Franciscan participation in the Pride Festival.”

“The ‘Welcoming Mass’ and ‘Rainbow Ministry’ at Saint Cecilia’s in the Back Bay obviously enjoy the tacit endorsement of the archdiocese, as does the LGBT group at Saint Anthony’s. When pro-life scholar and attorney Dan Avila—who spent years serving the church—suggested a link between homosexuality and the demonic, the official newspaper of the Archdiocese of Boston, The Pilot, became a forum for pastors, priests, and deacons of the archdiocese to savage Avila in the letters to the editor column.”

“When the Pastor of Saint Paul’s Parish in Hingham declined to enroll the child of a lesbian couple in his parochial school, the Director of the Catholic Schools Foundation—whose Chairman is the Cardinal—threatened to withhold funding; the leading member of the Archdiocesan Council of Finance ridiculed the pastor’s decision to the secular media; the Archdiocesan Superintendent of Schools hastened to find another school for the couple; and the Archdiocesan Communications Director refused to publicly defend the priest, who was being viciously maligned in the media.”

“When the courageous pro-family organization, Mass Resistance, mounted a referendum campaign to restore the 1913 law limiting Bay State acceptance of certain out of state marriages (a statute which gained new relevance with some states recognizing same sex unions as marriages), the Cardinal, after some coaxing in the middle of a pro-life event, signed the referendum petition, albeit with the wrong address. His aides then attempted to retrieve the petition sheet. When Mass Resistance publicized the Cardinal’s signature—which was, after all, on a public document—they were told to stop using the Cardinal’s name, and forbidden to collect anymore signatures in front of Catholic churches.”

“Betrayals of Catholic principles never permitted under Cardinal Law are now becoming routine under Cardinal O’Malley. It should be apparent to any informed Catholic that this archdiocese, under its current leadership, will offer no meaningful opposition to the homosexual agenda, either in civil society, or even in the church itself.”



Fonte:  http://www.lisagraas.com/2014/06/25/boston-franciscans-participate-in-gay-pride-festival-archdiocese-evades-responsibility/

6 Risposte

  • avanti avanti rosse falangi, questi vestiti di marrone sono misericordiosi no?

  • “Misericordiosi” ma che magari si permettono di giudicare male i veri Cattolici.
    Ma hanno studiato e pregato per tanti anni per arrivare a questo?

  • Loro non sono la chiesa, non sanno nemmeno il significato, ma sono la fogna dove andranno a nuotare assieme a tutti i pervertiti, sodomiti, gay, fra non molto tempo.

  • Saggezza antica, il detto:” l’abito non fa il monaco”.
    Ormai noi tradizionalisti cattolici, dovremmo rompere
    i legami con i conciliari, per distinguerci come veri
    cattolici e credenti, e fuori dall’apostasia.

  • Covo di vipere.Sarete spazzati via dalla collera del Signore!!!

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