Easter Lily Memorial for Traditional Holy Week

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Donate Easter Lily Memorials to Honor Loved Ones

STELLA ALPINAat our Traditional Holy Week and Easter Rites

Every year, lilies add immeasurably to the beauty of the sacred liturgy at St. Gertrude the Great Church during the our solemn celebrations of the Church’s liturgical year.

Lilies surround the Altar of Repose where Our Lord resides and is adored from after Pontifical High Mass on Holy Thursday to the end of the Mass of the Presanctified on Good Friday.

Lilies again adorn the high altar from the beginning of Pontifical High Mass on Holy Saturday throughout the whole of the Easter season that follows.

You can help us beautify our Altar of Repose and our high altar throughout Paschaltide by making an Easter Lily Memorial Donation in honor of a loved one.

The name of the loved one and your own name will be printed on a special page in the St. Gertrude the Great Church bulletin.

For more info, click here


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