Holy Week Book: Complete pre-55 Rites!

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Segnalazione di don Anthony Cekada


Holy Week Book: Complete pre-1955 Rites


by Dom Ferdinand Cabrol, OSB

EVERYTHING that you need to follow the Holy Week rites of the Missal of St. Pius V!

Untouched by 1955 Bugnini pre-Novus Ordo reforms!

  • Parallel Latin-English texts.
  • Full Mass texts for Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Easter Sunday.
  • Mass Propers for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
  • Tenebrae, with full psalms and readings for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings.
  • Texts for Blessing of Chrism, Stripping of the Altar, Maundy (washing of the feet).
  • Vespers and Compline for Palm Sunday and the Triduum.
  • Ordinary of the Mass.Indulgenced prayers.
  • 20 page General Introduction by Abbot Cabrol.
  • Explanatory introductions for principal rites.
  • Use it to follow our webcasts of Holy Week ceremonies from St. Gertrude the Great.

Only $35

364 pages • postage included

Click for info

Make your Holy Week a truly traditional Holy Week!

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