Reminder: Enroll in Mother’s Day Mass for Sunday

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Special High Mass

Segnalazione di don Anthony Cekada

Enroll Your Mother in Mother’s Day Mass Remembrance

Special High Mass

THIS SUNDAY, May 8, 9:00 AM

followed by May Procession and May Crowning.

On Mother’s Day we hold our May Procession at St. Gertrude the Great, and crown the statue of Blessed Mother as “Queen of the Angels, Queen of the May.”

This takes place after our 9:00 AM Sunday High Mass, which is offered for all the mothers, living and deceased, whose names have been submitted to us to be placed on the altar.

This year our choir will be singing traditional Marian hymns, as well as a festive program of music by Carlo Rossini, Michael Eder, Flor Peeters, Orazio Tarditi, and Palestrina.

For more information, or to enroll your mother, click here.



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