Martin Sisters: Christmas around the Piano

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Segnalazione di don Anthony Cekada

Martin Family Singers: Christmas CD

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Angelic voices from the early days of the traditionalist movement in America

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We’ve offered this two-CD set before, but we thought that during this time of year you’d be particularly interested in the bonus disk that’s included: the eight Martin sisters singing Christmas songs around the piano, directed by their father, Al.

Old-timers from the traditionalist movement in Michigan will remember the angelic voices of the Martin sisters who sang for High Masses at St. Pius X Church and St. Joseph’s House in the 1970s. The other disk features sacred music, including two Mass settings.

Initially trained by their father, several sisters went on to study voice professionally. One of the eight, Joan, continues the family tradition by serving as our choir director at St. Gertrude the Great Church.

Hearing their voices takes us back to the roots of the traditionalist movement, and reminds us of the sacrifices a handful of faithful Catholics made to keep alive the great tradition of sacred music.

Only $20

for info on how to order

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